
Without you

I feel like nothing I write is good enough.
Lately I feel like I have come down with some sort of "writer's block."
There is so much I want to write about but it is just not coming out the way I want it to.
I do not know if it is stress, or distractions, or if I have just lost my way of writing but I have lost it.
For example, I love writing assignments that you get from English class. They are always safe ground to write and express what ever you want. You can make up your own opinion and try to pass it off as yours just to challenge yourself, like you are trying to see things from someone else's point of view.
So last week I got a writing assignment to write a short story. This is normally the part where I get really excited and race home so that I could start it, but that wasn't the case. It took me until the last minute to actually write it. I looked at the paper for hours just trying to get words out.
What I wrote ended up being alright, but it just was too mediocre. I was disappointed in myself and I am beginning to wonder if my disappoinment is making my "writer's block" worse.
I really have no idea what to do.
I am sorry, even though no one reads this, that I have failed to write my amazing note-worthy rants, but I will continue to try to post some soon.


I'm moving on

I decided that I would start a new bit on my blog. Although I doubt anyone will take the time to read my blog. It is kind of like my own little outlet.
I have changed my mind on what I will write about on here, instead of writing about my life I will just free write. Let everything on my mind transfer to my blog.
I would really like to exercise my writing skills and I have figured this would be one good way of doing that.
Right now, I need to go clean and take a shower, but later, I will be back on here to start my free writes.